Orange County Virgina Planning and Zoning Information















Tara's Guide to Orange County Virginia

Orange County Virginia Planning and Zoning

Orange County's Planning Director works as an advisor
to the planning commission. The director also makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors based on
the findings of the planning commission members. In addition to planning and zoning, the director monitors errosion and sediment control. The planning directors office is located in the Gordon Building on Main Street, in the town of Orange, Virginia.

Planning Director / Zoning Administrator
Deborah Kendall 540-672-4347
Mon - Fri 8 am - 5 pm


Planning Commission

The planning commission consists of representatives from each of the county's five districts. They are appointed
by the Board of Supervisors. The commission meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm in the Gordon Building lower level meeting room, in the town of Orange, Virginia.

District 1 Bill Speiden, chairman
Guy Blundon
District 2 Will Likins, vice chair
Walter Smith
District 3 Letitia Franklin
Cal Balsam
District 4 Fred Seward
J.P. Tucker
District 5 David Kovarik
Nigel Goodwin
Ex Officio Sonny Dodson

Board of Zoning Appeals

The zoning appeals board meets as needed on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm to consider zoning variances, exceptions and appeals decisions. To schedule
a hearing, contact the planning director.

District 1 Roger Gibson
District 2 Cephus Daniel, Jr.
District 3 Alexander Spotswood
District 4 Ted Cooney
District 5 Ginny Thoms

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